It started with an explosion,a flash of light killing blue,
and soon the whole damn world knew
it was the end... of time.
And so I rushed, ran through the streets, ran wild as the toxic breeze,
to get back to your side.
Without surprise you reached for me, as if you always knew, as if this was just a script-
the last scene coming true.
The minute stretched, and yes oh yes that minute was divine, then the sun turned coal, and we.. and earth.. and love... all ran out of time.
NOTE- This work is part of an excercise at New Writers and Readers Blog. There is a link to the group in the sidebar.
Thank you for taking the time to say something about this piece. It is odd to write for an exercise rather than just because the words are there in my soul begging for release. But I am finding that I can enjoy creating poems in both ways.
Hope all is well with you, my friend.
Sarah, found myself perusing your site again. You have so many worthy works here. Exercise or not, I love this one.
Thanks for your recent comments. I find it ironic you like Simple Man. I was never overly impressed with it; it was a simple poem describing myself.
Take care, you're doing wonderful work here; I've found so many great sites!!
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